ENG6210 통사론 II

This is an advanced course on Generative Syntax. We will deepen our understanding of syntax by going over original argumentation from the literature and by considering contemporary theories of various syntactic and interface phenomena.


Advanced Generative Syntax - available here.
Practice sentences - here

lecture   date contents readings assignments
1 March 5th Foundational Issues: history, methodology, goals of generative grammar Ch. 1
2 March 12th The Lexicon, Features, and Phrase Structure Ch. 2
3 March 19th Ditransitives and the \textit{v}P Layer distinct \textit{v}P and VoiceP Ch. 3
4 March 26th Nominal Syntax: nominalizers, number, case Ch. 4 Squib 1 due
5 April 2nd The Architecture of Syntax Ch. 5
6 April 9th Case and A-Movement I: Case assignment, grammatical subjects unaccusativity Ch. 6 Squib 2 due
7 April 16th Case and A-Movement II: dependent theory of Case Ch. 6
8 April 23rd MIDTERM
9 April 30th A-Bar Movement I: question formation, constraints, relative clauses Ch. 7
10 May 7th A-Bar Movement II: wh-in-situ, multiple wh-movement, scope marking Ch. 7
11 May 17th Raising and Control: diagnostics, raising to object, partial control Ch. 8
12 May 21st Linearization: Headedness, Antisymmetry, FOFC Ch. 9 Squib 3
13 May 28th Syntax-Semantics Interface: Aktionsart, motivating LF, nominals Ch. 10
14 June 4th Syntax-Phonology Interface: prosodic hierarchy, Match Theory Ch 11
15 June 11th Final Presentations