Michael Barrie - ENGG235/5235 언어조사 및 실험연구 방법론


Much important information can be found on the syllabus.

Glossing Linguistics Examples: Here is an example of a glossed Tamang sentence. For all work you must gloss all phrases and sentences as follows. (Single words don't need to be glossed like this, though.) For more information, see the Leipzig Glossing Rules.

sud͡ʒan-dad͡ʒaman pʰalpʰul d͡ʒa     mu-la?
Sujan-DATall fruitlikeCOP-NPST
"Does Sujan like all fruit?" [Tamang, Sino-Tibetan, class notes, 2021]

Here is a Korean example: (Note that the 한굴 form is not normally present. I included it here for convenience.)
"Minsoo ate an apple." [Korean, Koreanic, Moonhyun Sung, pc]

Useful Links:

General References (references in bold marked with a * are obligatory):

lecture   date contents
1 March 4th
2 March 6th
3 March 11th
4 March 13th
5 March 18th Field Report 1 due
6 March 20th
7 March 25th
8 March 27th
9 April 1st
10 April 3rd Field Report 2 due
11 April 8th
12 April 10th
13 April 15th
14 April 22nd

April 20/22 midterm week - no class
15 April 28th
16 May 3rd
17 May 10th
18 May 12th
19 May 17th
20 May 19th Field Report 3 due
21 May 24th
22 May 26th
23 May 31st
24 June 2nd
25 June 7th
26 June 9th Field Report 4 due
27 June 14th class presentations

end of page - last updated 2024/10/02