Michael Barrie - ENG3306 영어 통사론



Fieldwork Sessions:


HW#1 - due Oct 7th:
Question 1: Draw the VPs for the following sentences. If any sentence is ambiguous, draw both trees and give two constituency diagnostics to illustrate the different structures for each tree. The last sentence is problematic for the structures drawn so far in class. Why? The Korean sentences are glossed below. Note that all ambiguous sentences are marked as such.
  1. Alice read the book in the kitchen. (ambiguous)
  2. Susan broke the the glass in the dining-room on Tuesday. (Assume dining-room is a single noun - ambiguous)
  3. 영희가 어제 사과를 먹었다.
  4. 영희가 사과를 어제 먹었다.
"Younghui ate the apple yesterday."

"Younghui ate the apple yesterday."

Question 2: Draw a full CP for the following sentence:
  1. Fred ate the apple on Friday.
HW#2 - due Nov 11th:
Question 1: Draw trees for the following sentences. You may use triangles for all proper nouns in English and for all DPs in Korean.
  1. Mary was told that the mail will arrive at noon. ('arrive' is unaccusative)
  2. 민수는 집이 어제 만들어졌다고 생각한다. (assume 만들어지/mantuleci is a V)
    Minswu-nun cip-i ecey mantul-eci-ess-ta-ko sayngkak-ha-n-ta
    Minsoo-TOP house-NOM yesterday build-PASS-PST-DECL-COMP think-do-PRS-DECL
    'Minsoo thinks that that the house was built yesterday.

Question 2: The following examples are called pseudo-passives. How are they different from regular passives? What problem do they present for Case assignment? Draw a tree for the first sentence.
  1. This book was written in with a pen.
  2. The floor was danced on.
  3. This lock has been tampered with.
  4. The carpet was stepped on with muddy shoes.
Now consider the following additional data. Observe that not all sentences can be made into a pseudo passive. Describe the environment in which a pseudo passive is possible or not possible.
  1. Someone wrote a note in this book.
  2. A note was written in this book.
  3. *This book was written a note in.
  1. Someone danced on the floor.
  2. Someone danced a jig on the floor. [A jig is a kind of dance.]
  3. A jig was danced on the floor.
  4. *The floor was danced a jig on.
HW#3 - due Dec 2nd:
Question 1: Draw trees for the following sentences. Use triangles for proper nouns (고유 명사) only.
  1. Which book did John tell Mary that the student read?
  2. The book that fell on the floor was given to student who studies linguistics.
  3. 영희는 누구에게 철수가 읽은 책을 줬니? (Use triangles for all DPs except the one containing a relative clause.)

Question 2: Why is the following sentence ungrammatical? Explain using the concept of phases.
  1. *Which book does John wonder where Mary bought?

Question 3: Question (6) from p. 291 of the course notes. Note that I have corrected some typos, so the page numbers may have shifted slightly. Please check the current version on the course website here.

Extra Practice:

lecture date contents reading
1 Sept 2nd Introduction I Chapter 1
2 Sept 4th Introduction II Chapter 1
3 Sept 9th Thematic Relations Chapter 2
4 Sept 11th Phrase Structure and Constituency,
Noun Incorporation
Interchapter A; Chapter 3, (3.1)
5 Sept 23rd Constituency diagnostics Chapter 3, (3.2-3.3); prepare Chapter 2 exercises 1 and 2 for discussion in class.
6 Sept 25th Content of XPs Chapter 3(3.4, 3.5): Prepare Ch. 3 questions 1-2 for discussion
7 Sept 30th DP Theory, TP, CP, Applicatives Chapter 4 (4.1-4.3), Interchapter B
8 Oct 8th VP shells Chapter 4 (4.4-4.7)
9 Oct 7th HW1 due
Chapter 5
10 Oct 14th Passives I Chapter 6.1 - 6.2
11 Oct 16th Passives II and review Chapter 6.4

Oct 21/23 midterm 
12 Oct 28th Unaccusativity Chapter 7.1
13 Oct 30th Ergativity Chapter 7.2
14 Nov 4th Verb-Initial Languages and Practice Interchapter D
15 Nov 6th Wh-Movement I Chapter 8.1
16 Nov 11th HW2 due
Wh-Movement II
Chapter 8.2
17 Nov 13th Wh-Movement III Chapter 8.3
18 Nov 18th Workshop on Fieldwork Chapter 8.4
19 Nov 20th Wh-Movement IV
20 Nov 25th Raising and control 1 Chapter 9.1 - 9.3
21 Nov 27th Practical tasks with wh-movement
22 Dec 2nd HW3 due
Raising and control 2
Chapter 9.4 - 9.5
23 Dec 4th Extra Practice Chapter 10.1 - 10.2
24 Dec 9th Binding Theory Chapter 10.3 - 10.4
25 Dec 11th review

end of page - last updated 2022/05/25